Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What A Trying And Yet Blessed Week

August 27, 2012

Dear Family & Friends,

What a trying and yet blessed week we have had. We have had a few investigators who have been very solid drop this last week. One was Lexi whose parents refuse to let her have any more contact with members, missionaries, etc. She knows its true though and her resolve in our last contact with her was to join when she is 18. John is another that has let sudden trials in his life stop him from investigating, but we are praying for him and think in a few months perhaps he may be open once again to learning more. However, as we have persevered and strengthened our efforts to find, we have been blessed to find more who have a sincere interest in learning of the restored Gospel.  One is a family of 7 that is very enthusiastic with having us come over and share our message with them. The parent’s names are David and Leah. Sister Golden, a returning member who is working to go to the temple right now helped us meet them. We invited Sister Golden in a previous visit to seek to find those in her life who may be open to learning about the Gospel.  Sister Golden has been donating many things to a man named Jim who runs a local charity. He gets things for free and cleans them up and finds families and individuals who can use these items, and gives it to them for free. Sister Golden invited us to come help him move some large couches and items that she was donating and giving to David and his family. They have recently moved into the area and are super nice. They thanked us again and again for coming and helping and asked us several times to come and meet with them saying, "we need it."  David’s got a pretty funny story about his service in the Military and getting shot 3 times by 3 different women in Afghanistan/Iraq.  You wouldn't think you would laugh at a story of someone getting shot, but he gets you laughing pretty good. 

The Lord continues to bless us and the Ward here. Bishop Talbot spoke powerfully in sacrament meeting this last week and let the Ward know that the Lord intends to gather the saints here beyond the capacity of this building. He spoke about the biggest thing that could hinder that progress which is the judgment of oneself and others and how that contention drives the spirit away. He boldly invited each of us to love one another and to forgive those who may have wronged us in any way. Speaking with members afterwards we heard several positive things of people forgiving and loving those that they have previously disliked.  The spirit is present here.  Powerfully present.  And I am so thankful to be able to serve in an area that has that.  One of my favorite parts of his talk that keeps running through my head was, "you are neither qualified nor have the authority to judge yourself or others."  A very powerful and edifying talk and I wish we could have a typed up version of it!

Well I hope you all have a good second week back to the grindstone (school)!  I love you all very much and pray for you continually. 


Elder Weaver

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