Tuesday, August 30, 2011

8-29-11 I Didn't Know There Was An Earthquake Or Hurricane

Dear Family & Friends,

I am doing great!  And the week has also been a great one and trying for our investigator pool.  However first things first, I am fine, didn't even know there was an earthquake, didn't know about the hurricane till Saturday, and haven't really had any rain.  We have a sheet in our apartment with contacts and what to do in case of tornado or earthquake, but I'm not worried.  We will look into getting some extra supplies, but if anything happens we will be the first ones helping others so we will be close to all the supplies that would come in if we had a disaster.  But we really don't hear much of what is happening outside in the world.  We have a focus and we stay on that.  But yeah we haven't had anything to worry about here in our mission so far.

Yep, we sang last Sunday and it went great.  The Spirit was definitely in that fireside and it was great for all of the investigators who attended.  I am part of a quartet singing for a Multi-Zone conference tomorrow.  And a member of the 70 will be speaking and conducting this conference so that will be cool.  And lucky Elder Helton and I...our apartment gets to be checked by the mission president’s wife and the 70's wife since we are the closest apartments.  We got to go do some deep cleaning.:)  President called us and said "spotless" so that’s what we are doing.

Well Sis. Kathy is back in the hospital for some other things now, the 2 brothers that were going to get baptized moved to New York with their Dad because their Mom is being deported, and another of our investigators got kicked out of his Dad's house and is now living with his mom 6 hours south of here...so it's been kind of a rough week for our teaching pool...nevertheless we have seen some great miracles in our other investigators and have found some new people that are interested.  Tina, Eleanor, and Ashley are their names.  We have met with each of them once this last week and are hoping to meet with them all again early this next week.  Alexx is gaining a deeper and stronger testimony each time we meet with him, and Monique and Shevanda finally made it to church this weekend and really enjoyed it and are looking forward to next week.  However, the Lord is seen with each of them, and those we are still able to share the gospel with, though difficult at times, are persevering and experiencing some incredible testimony building blocks.  The ones who stick with it and turn to the Lord I believe will become immovable in the Gospel.  Change is definitely difficult, especially when the adversary is throwing everything in his power at these people.  However, I know the Lord allows this so that they may be strengthened.  And he is always there to help our investigators and us with any trial.  Having faith and being obedient to the commandments and principles of the Gospel will allow us to conquer all things that may be put in our path. The Lord and adversary are both very active in the world and this work.  But we are looking forward to continuing to find and share the gospel with as many of our brothers and sisters as we can.

About the ward...there is definitely tons of missionary work to be done within wards.  Just with members.  There are definite big changes being made to the way things are being done, I'm sure you and the ward council are seeing them and implementing them.  This is the way the work will be done till the second coming and it is up to the active strong members to bring back all those who are weakened and lift them up so that they too can become strong and begin helping others.  It is definitely time for each of us to evaluate what’s important and then go and do those things. 

I love you all and pray for you each night.  I thank you once again for your prayers and updates.  Have a great week!


Elder Weaver

P.S. Mom I love you and thank you for being my Mother.  You have truly lived up to and continue living up to your calling as a mother and I am so grateful to be your son.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Trish..did that just make you cry? I can only hope for the same words from missionary sons in the future. You are wonderful and a great example to all!
